506 899-3767 eros@eros-inc.ca

Here are some common questions about our platform.

Here are some common questions about our platform.


Good to know

How to choose your specialist ?

There are several factors that come into consideration for choosing the right specialist.
One of the most important is that you have to feel comfortable with him or her but also:

– Check that he / she has the skills to help you.
– Check that availability is appropriate for your schedule.
– Know that you can change specialists at any time.

Can I be covered by my insurance company ?
It is your responsibility to ensure that your insurance reimburses the services offered.
You must pay when booking the session. An unofficial receipt will then be emailed to you. Once the appointment is over, you will receive an official receipt that you can present to your insurance company for reimbursement.
If reimbursement by an insurance company is not possible, keep your receipts as a tax deduction in your annual tax returns.
What are the delays for getting an appointment ?

The delays depends on availability of each specialist. You have the calendar in real time on the site, so it can vary from a few hours to a few days.

Is the website secured ?

We treat our client’s confidentiality of the highest priority. That is why all information shared via the website is encrypted thanks to our SSL certificate (look for the secured padlock icon in Google Chrome, or “https” in the address bar of any web browser) เช็คที่นี่.

How can I pay for the services ?

All payments are processed through Stripe™ & Calendly™, our secure and user-friendly online scheduling application. This is where you choose your specialist and set up a date. After these steps, you will be prompted to settle the cost of your session.

You can pay with your Mastercard, Visa or American Express credit cards.


Can I change specialist if the first one is not the right match ?

You have no commitment with any particular specialist. The key is to find the one that suits you. It is still recommended to have stability in your therapeutic journey in order to achieve the defined therapy goals.

Can't find your answer ?

Let us know

Maybe the answer you were looking for isn’t in our F.A.Q list. Although, we would like to hear your questions. Please let us know, so we can try to make it as clear as possible, and easier for our clients.

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