506 899-3767 eros@eros-inc.ca

We are all about fair play. That is why we follow the code.

We are all about fair play. That is why we follow the code.


Code of ethics by profession


College of Counselling Therapists of New-Brunswick

The College of Licensed Counselling Therapist of N.B. has adopted CCPA’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. The Code reflects such values as integrity, competence, responsibility and an understanding of and respect for the cultural diversity of society.

The Alberta College of Social Workers

The Alberta College of Social Workers has adopted the Canadian Association of Social Workers 2005 Code of Ethics that was approved by Council in 2007.

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers 

The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College) regulates the practice of social work and social service work in Ontario in accordance with the Social Work and Social Service Work Act, 1998 and the regulations and bylaws made under that Act. The primary duty of the College is to serve and protect the public interest » extract from The Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.

Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association


This Code of Ethics expresses the ethical principles and values of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and serves as a guide to the professional conduct of all its members.

New-Brunswick Association of Social Workers

Because ethical behavior lies at the core of every profession, the NBASW Code of Ethics establishes ethical duties and obligations for the practice of social work in New Brunswick, and provides a set of rules that prescribe how social worker should act.



Canadian Professional Counsellors Association

The Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA) is a Canadian non-profit Society registered in accordance with the National Corporate Registry of Canada. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors which is elected annually by the members of the Association.